June 5, 2022 - Meeting Minutes

Meeting was held at Bill Lefley barn

1. Bill called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM

2. Present - Bill Lefley, Gail Zandstra, Michael O’Connor, Mike Finn, Kathy Sarkisian, Joe Milaukas, Tammy Cunnion, Mimi Harris. Excused - Herk VandenBosch, Mike Flynn, Steve McKown, Dave Bernat.

3. The minutes from May 1, 2022, were approved.

4. The treasurer's report was received with a balance of $11,123.46. The website billing is $175.00 monthly, discounted from $225.00. A question was asked about the insurance and was explained that it was the certificate of liability to insure officers and also insures the party event. The treasurer’s report was approved.

5. Road, Beach, Water - Joe reported that the Great Lakes Coalition got involved in a letter writing campaign. He summarized all the letters and explained that they were written by a group of shoreline organizations that came together and sent the letters to all the representatives that have districts on the great lakes. They pointed out the inequities in the regulations plan with water control out of Lake Superior and other serious problems. The letters are to impress upon the representatives that they need to be involved and fund a study of $10 million dollars. Joe talked about other monies available and explained them in detail. The letters went out in March and May. Joe has the letters and will send a copy to Bill, for more information. Bill asked Mimi if she would be willing to be a part of this committee and be the DLSA liaison for the city. She agreed to do so.

6. Membership - 127 paid members, as of our meeting. The membership book going out to the printer at the end of the week.

7. Marketing and Website - Bill said all events are on the website. There was discussion about having local businesses pay for advertising on our website, a way for DLSA to make some money. It was decided not to pursue this idea.

Much discussion was again brought up about how to bring in new members. Ideas were thrown around and Bill stated that 1000 cards were made to distribute and he greatly encouraged us to hand these cards out to people we meet. Bill mentioned that word of mouth will give us the best quality members.

8. Social - The 2022 social schedule was handed out. Every month is filled except for November. The annual meeting and party is June, 25, 2022. 100 cards and envelopes, about the details of the annual meeting, were sent out to members who were not at the Rosemont Social and did not pick up a flyer. Discussion was that people need to RSVP for the party and food. Gail and Kathy will check people in. Shanahan will do the catering and Michael handed out the menu choices. It was decided to ask if we could do a combination of the burger menu and chicken menu. Mimi will take care of the desserts. The music for the event is DB Horns, an 11-piece jazz group. They will play for 3 hours for $300.00. The band will be put outside under a tent of their own.

9. Old Business - The board meetings have been set and are 8/7, 10/2, 12/4. All meetings are on Sunday, 5:30 PM and at the Lefley Barn. We will nominate 4 board members, at the annual meeting, to be reinstated. They are David Bernat, Mimi Harris, Bill Lefley, Joe Milaukus.

10. New Business - Dawn Shuman requested to speak at the meeting regarding the North Shore/Dunes Alliance. She will be allowed to speak but not put on the agenda. She will also be given a time limit. There was discussion as to how long the meeting will be and a time limit for any open questions and answers after the meeting. 45 minutes seemed to be the acceptable time agreed on, by the board, with 3 minutes given to each member asking a question or giving a response. Joe stated that the reason for DLSA is to also serve, not just the socials. Pat Edwards approached Bill about private property signs. Two signs were presented and a motion was made to investigate the cost by 3 suppliers to obtain 50 or 100 signs. The older sign was picked by the board and the DLSA sunburst logo not allowed to be used for any signage. Bill will ask Pat if she would be willing to spearhead this project.

11. Bill adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted - Gail Zandstra

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