October 26, 2022 - Meeting Minutes

Meeting was held at the Bill Lefley barn

1. Bill called the meeting to order.

2. Present - Bill Lefley, Gail Zandstra, Michael O’Connor, Mike Finn, David Bernat, Tammy Cunnion, Steve McKown. Excused - Herk VandenBosch, Mike Flynn, Joe Milaukas, Kathy Sarkisian, Mimi Harris.

3. The minutes were approved with a correction made that the certificate of Liability is noted as insurance, not auto insurance.

4. The treasurer's report was received with a balance of $4,752.41. Michael explained that the biggest expense to our account was the summer social, at a cost of over $6,000.00. The treasurer’s report was approved. The treasury needs to be reimbursed for the private property signs.

5. Social - The holiday party social is December 9, 2022, at Sherri and Tim Smith’s home. The annual meeting was discussed. About 95 people paid, all agreed that the band was good but the catered food was expensive. Steve made a motion to discontinue catered dinners and have a pot luck instead. The motion passed. Michael will start recruiting in March for DLSA socials.

6. Membership - 149 paid members. $7,405.00 was taken in for annual membership.

7. Marketing and Website - 150 directory books were printed. 60 books are still left. Membership names will be updated on the website. Bill made a motion to do the directory online from now on, instead of printing a book. The motion was passed.

8. Road, Beach, Water - Steve explained the danger of the hill on Lakeshore Drive. He talked about some signs that could work for this situation. The Highway Manual, with all approved signs, could be purchased for $150.00. Signs that could work were discussed in the meeting and Bill made a motion that Steve contact the road commission and get their approval. The motion passed. Bill mentioned that there has been nothing new from the Lakeshore Drive Study, but the water level is down about 3 feet.

9. Old Business - The Private Property Signs were purchased. Pat Edwards will be contacted about the money.

10. New Business - A motion was made and passed to have the same board officers for this next year. Board of Directors up for re-election in 2023 are Mike Finn, Tammy Cunnion, Herk VandenBosch, Michael O’Connor. Steve asked about speakers for the annual meetings. Bill suggested that we keep our eyes open for potential speakers, new board members and officers. The next board meeting is December 7, 2022.

11. Bill adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted - Gail Zandstra

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